whole wheat flour – khatoonskitchen https://khatoonskitchen.com Recipe Book Mon, 26 Oct 2015 10:26:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Goor Paak (whole wheat squares) https://khatoonskitchen.com/goor-paak-whole-wheat-squares/ https://khatoonskitchen.com/goor-paak-whole-wheat-squares/#comments

Mon, 26 Oct 2015 10:26:33 +0000 http://khatoonskitchen.com/?p=362 https://khatoonskitchen.com/goor-paak-whole-wheat-squares/feed/ 7566 Whole Wheat Roti (Flat Bread) https://khatoonskitchen.com/whole-wheat-roti-flat-bread/ https://khatoonskitchen.com/whole-wheat-roti-flat-bread/#comments Sun, 25 Jan 2015 18:59:18 +0000 http://khatoonskitchen.com/?p=319 Continue reading ]]> Roti is one of the basic Indian food made practically every day in most of the households. It is also
popular in many parts of the world. There are different variety of rotis and you can choose and
prepare the dough according to your liking. Rotis are simple, nutritious and quick to make. They
can be eaten plain or with any vegetable curry, meat or chicken curry, with eggs, with fruit
preserves or jam & jelly as well as marmalade, honey, kheer, jaggery and seafood. Rotis can be
stored in the refrigerator for a week and can be frozen as well for a couple of months without losing
its fl avor!

]]> https://khatoonskitchen.com/whole-wheat-roti-flat-bread/feed/ 3363
Whole wheat Ladoos https://khatoonskitchen.com/whole-wheat-ladoos/ https://khatoonskitchen.com/whole-wheat-ladoos/#comments Sun, 25 Jan 2015 18:52:56 +0000 http://khatoonskitchen.com/?p=316 https://khatoonskitchen.com/whole-wheat-ladoos/feed/ 5708 Dhebra ( Spicy Millet Snack) https://khatoonskitchen.com/dhebra-spicy-millet-snack/ https://khatoonskitchen.com/dhebra-spicy-millet-snack/#comments Mon, 01 Dec 2014 10:32:37 +0000 http://khatoonskitchen.com/?p=250 https://khatoonskitchen.com/dhebra-spicy-millet-snack/feed/ 4288 Goor Thepla ( Jaggery Cookies) https://khatoonskitchen.com/goor-thepla-jaggery-cookies/ https://khatoonskitchen.com/goor-thepla-jaggery-cookies/#comments Fri, 30 May 2014 04:08:14 +0000 http://khatoonskitchen.com/?p=79 https://khatoonskitchen.com/goor-thepla-jaggery-cookies/feed/ 9442